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Kids for the Future of Marianna has had the privilege of having Mary Kate Sullivan as one of its several dedicated Occupational Therapist Assistants.  Mary Kate truly loves what she does.  However, occupational therapy makes up only one sector of her life.

As a young girl, Mary Kate had made career plans for her future self – however, occupational therapy was not yet a part of these plans.  At the time, she wanted to grow up to become either a veterinarian or a nanny.  In her teen years, she began to realize that neither of these would suit her. “I’ve always liked the feeling of helping people,” explained Mary Kate, “I had the privilege to shadow an Occupational Therapist when I was in high school and observed how, through occupational therapy, a person’s life could be adapted/changed for the better.  I knew that was how I wanted to help others.” Read more