Employee Spotlight: Katrice McCoy
Katrice McCoy grew up in West Memphis and, for more than four years, has been “giving back to the future of the city” as a member of the Kids for the Future team. As outreach specialist, she plays a vital role in helping families whose children require our services. Whether she’s coordinating transportation, therapy or meals, she works closely with parents and community advocates to ensure kids get the care they need to thrive. Learn more about how Katrice has enriched the lives of children, parents and her fellow staff members in the Q & A below:
What is your favorite part of working for Kids for the Future?
I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to not only help kids, but entire families achieve their goals. I absolutely love coming into work each day and seeing children make progress toward the targets our team—from our speech therapists to our classroom teachers—has set for them.
What is your favorite Kids for the Future memory?
Shortly after I started, Kids for the Future held its annual graduation ceremony for the children who would be transitioning to kindergarten the next year. Although I hadn’t been with the company long, I was so inspired by the success stories the parents shared. Hearing and seeing how we helped their kids was extremely encouraging and motivating.
What is your favorite Kids for the Future success story?
There are countless Kids for the Future success stories. However, a child who sticks out in my mind is one who had been told by a doctor he would never be able to walk or interact in a traditional classroom setting. With our help, he’s now hitting milestones every day in his third-grade class. In fact, his time at Kids for the Future was so impactful that his mom still keeps us updated on his progress.
What makes Kids for the Future special?
At Kids for the Future, we like to consider ourselves a family. We always work together as a team. It’s one of the many reasons why we’re able help meet children and their families’ needs in a comprehensive and impactful way.
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