From smartphones to tablets, technological devices can offer substantial benefits to children with special needs who are beginning to learn essential life skills like proper communication. If you’re looking for an app for your child, it’s important to first identify his needs and capabilities. Below, check out a few of our favorites you may want to consider:
Learn With Rufus – Compatibility: iOS and Android Tablets
This customizable app offers an entertaining and engaging approach through a friendly character, Rufus the dog. He teaches children emotions, shapes, colors, sizes and numbers.
Montessori Numbers – Compatibility: iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)
This app helps students who have difficulties understanding quantities and numbers. It builds basic math competencies such as numerical order, decimals, counting, comparisons, addition and subtraction. It also pronounces numbers to aid in better understanding, speech and memorization.
Super Why – Compatibility: iOS and Android
The series is designed to help kids ages three to six years old with the skills they need to learn and enjoy to read. It offers interactive literacy games and activities with words, letters, rhymes and spelling to help children achieve better comprehension and improve their writing skills.
Social Skill Builder – Compatibility: iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)
Interactive videos teach children key social thinking, language and behavior critical to everyday living such as problem solving and relationship building.
Proloquo2Go – Compatibility: iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)
This is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solution for students who are non-verbal or who suffer from speech difficulties. Although it is not free, it gives children with speech impediments a voice by offering visual vocabulary, so they can communicate wants and needs.
If you have questions about apps you can use at home, please contact us at 870-633-1737.