Last fall, the Too Small To Fail initiative- which was co-launched by The Clinton Foundation and Next Generation in 2013- introduced the Wash Time is Talk Time campaign. Through this campaign, Too Small To Fail, the Coin Laundry Association and other partners, worked with over 5,000 laundromats nationwide to provide families with valuable literacy opportunities. The Too Small To Fail initiative aims to afford parents and/or caregivers with the resources necessary to support their child’s early brain and language development- no matter their location (doctor’s offices, playgrounds, and even laundromats).
Most families that use laundromats average two hours per each visit. This two hour span offers an optimal time for parents and/or caregivers to talk, read and sing with their children. Oftentimes, busy schedules can interfere with opportunities for parents and/or caregivers to engage with their children. However, the Wash Time is Talk Time campaign has established a great way for parents and/or caregivers to spend time interacting with their children during daily routine, while advancing their child’s early language and literacy skills.
Source: The Clinton Foundation & Too Small To Fail